Sorcerer nailed it - straw purchase - AR lower ... -purchase/
Markemp wrote:ashes wrote:Actually, I was hoping that the tragedy would underscore how pointless the anti-gun legislation is.
Can we say the same thing about anti-abortion legislation?
crbutler wrote:One point on anti abortion legislation is that the folks who obey laws and rules will follow it, whether by stopping performing the procedures or moving out of the jurisdiction.
But passing the law doesn’t stop people from aborting absolutely. The reason behind legalization was the huge number of botched procedures and women dying.
I have yet to see anyone seriously propose putting a woman in prison for obtaining an abortion… the usual is to propose rather draconian measures on the folks providing the procedure. Yes the TX law was supposedly aimed at folks having the procedure and out of state as well, but how many prosecutions?
It’s really not a similar argument.
No one is suggesting that the folks at modern sportsman should be tried for illegally transferring a gun because they followed the law.
As for sending well armed babies… by definition a baby is an infant. Less than 1 year old. You do that and you will have a bunch of charges against you.
I think we all can agree it would have been better if Gooden (the shooter) had been aborted.
crbutler wrote:I should also read who originated the complaint re abortion laws…
Sorcerer wrote:It seems they are investigating the person who bought the AR lower on line and had it shipped to Modern Sportsman. If that is the weapon used in the killings I’m hoping the straw buyer is charged with 3 counts of murder. That lower was transferred in January of this year. It will be of interest if they can track the other parts that went into that AR.
Sorcerer wrote:I believe you are probably correct. At least it’s not in Hennepin county. The real problem may be MN Attorney General. We can only hope US Attorney Andy Luger has his eyes on this for federal charges.
The two AR-15 style firearms used to kill three Burnsville first responders and wound another last month were bought by the shooter's girlfriend just weeks before he unloaded more than 100 rounds during an hours-long standoff at the couple's home, according to new federal charges unsealed Thursday.
crbutler wrote:No one is suggesting that the folks at modern sportsman should be tried for illegally transferring a gun because they followed the law.
crbutler wrote:No one is suggesting that the folks at modern sportsman should be tried for illegally transferring a gun because they followed the law.
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