10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

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10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:38 am

Picked this and other stuff for 10mm. Looks pretty old. My son in law dad had this sitting in a closet for many years that he got when he bought a bunch of other gun related stuff. The black talon printing inside the box staes 67. Is this that old? The CCI primer box is older than me since I have never seen that kind of packaging. Any help appreciated.

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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby ex-LT on Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:28 pm

The 10mm cartridge has only been around since 1983, and Winchester didn't introduce the Black Talon ammunition line until 1991 (discontinued in 1993), so no, the 67 stamped inside the box doesn't refer to the year of manufacture (most likely part of the batch number).

Best guess, based on the price marked on the primer package, is that it's from the early 90s, too.

Edit: Found a post on another forum wondering about the age of an identical package of primers, where a forum member indicated late 80s to early 90s vintage.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby LarryFlew on Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:43 pm

Recently bought several thousand of that age of small pistol primer. Have loaded and shot about 500 of them without problems.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:17 pm

Thanks folks. Oldman said to dry fire one to check also. Am assuming the bullets are Teflon from looking at it (pitch black). Will try my google fu and see what I find.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:21 pm

Guess it’s coated brass fron the pictures in this ad. Got 2 boxes included in the deal.
https://www.etsy.com/listing/471463868/ ... -200gr-law

Not Teflon like I thought.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby xd ED on Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:09 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:Guess it’s coated brass fron the pictures in this ad. Got 2 boxes included in the deal.
https://www.etsy.com/listing/471463868/ ... -200gr-law

Not Teflon like I thought.

Black Talons were magic, cop killer bullets that were hard enough to penetrate 1" of steel, and still expand to the size of a tennis ball when they hit soft tissue...at least according to the hype, and hysteria when they were first marketed.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby westhope on Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:23 pm

I would think the Black Talons have significant collector's value since they had such a "bad" reputation and were made such a short time. Especially in 10 mm. I would save them and the boxes.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby smurfman on Thu Jul 15, 2021 3:33 pm

The black coating is merely a lubricant tinted black and not Teflon, molybdenum, or other substance. After the negative publicity regarding Black Talons, Winchester removed the tint and sold them as SXT or some such nane in the Ranger line.They were initially meant to be sold to law enforcement only but I found the "new" rounds on store shelves shortly after they showed up at the local police supply house. The "public" boxes were 20 or 25 rounds at 2/3-3/4 the price of "LEO" boxes which had 50 rounds.

I have a brick of similar primers I bought in 1991. I know that as it was when I first started loading for the 45 ACP and I bought them as part of my first purchase of components. The other brick I found with them has been working fine so far.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Thu Jul 15, 2021 6:40 pm

When I get my 10mm, will consider loading these 1st in my mags. Got allot of older HP’s rounds with the deal. Not sure if I should remove the bullets to reload. Most have a primer seal. Could use these to break in the pistol. The ones with no seal will be removed.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby xd ED on Thu Jul 15, 2021 7:37 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:When I get my 10mm, will consider loading these 1st in my mags. Got allot of older HP’s rounds with the deal. Not sure if I should remove the bullets to reload. Most have a primer seal. Could use these to break in the pistol. The ones with no seal will be removed.

As others have suggested, these may have some collector value. Sell/ trade them for a larger quantity of 10mm.
(Normally) Lots of low-mid power 10mm out there for plinking, or break in.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Fri Jul 16, 2021 6:57 pm

Seems you can still buy it but I’ll hang onto them for awhile. Have about 60 rounds to shoot for break in and plenty of brass and bullets for reloading.
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby linksep on Thu Jul 22, 2021 1:59 pm

Bearcatrp wrote:When I get my 10mm, will consider loading these 1st in my mags. Got allot of older HP’s rounds with the deal. Not sure if I should remove the bullets to reload. Most have a primer seal. Could use these to break in the pistol. The ones with no seal will be removed.

Don't do that! They're worth at least a buck a round more than premium hollowpoints due to collector value! They're not magic, they're not even great performers compared to what's available today, but they are collectable!
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Re: 10mm question on ammo and primers (old stuff)

Postby Bearcatrp on Mon Aug 02, 2021 4:02 pm

Shot the old ammo (not the black tip) that came with the package of ammo, bullets and brass. Only shot the rounds that had sealant on primers. Shot fine. Using it to break it in. Now to get to the range and test my reloads to see how far I can push it. This RIA 1911 is sweet.
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