Trap prices

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Trap prices

Postby wasfuzz on Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:33 pm

What does your club charge for a round of trap both member and non member? Working on our pricing and up against the "why do we need to charge more" crowd - can not convience them a new PAT Trap is $10000 or better and $3.00 a round is not putting anything aside for Replacement
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Re: Trap prices

Postby smurfman on Sun Nov 10, 2019 5:44 am

I found that showing them the financials via a basic graph doesn't work, then trying to increase rates based on what others charge isn't going to work either. The latter is just as incompatible as the latter as personal finances drive these types more than business sense.

The short answer is to get enough members who do understand finances at the meetings to out vote these codgers. If that is not possible, stop maintaining the machines until the complainers feel the pain and change their attitude or leave. Drag them into repairing traps and assign them to search for non-existent replacement parts. When they are unsuccessful, push them to look harder. Eventually, you will get your way through them not wanting the hassle or they go somewhere else.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby Ghost on Sun Nov 10, 2019 7:20 am

Have you done the 1, 3 and 5 year financial outlook based on anticipated usage? Show a gap and ask if anyone wants to donate their own money to fill it.

I like that they want to keep prices down but it’s essentially a business and you need to make the numbers work somehow. Their are other ways to make money.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby andrewP on Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:20 am

wasfuzz wrote:What does your club charge for a round of trap both member and non member? Working on our pricing and up against the "why do we need to charge more" crowd - can not convince them a new PAT Trap is $10000 or better and $3.00 a round is not putting anything aside for Replacement

I thought it was pretty standard for a round of trap to be more like $6 or $7 at the low end, and I think some places are charging more than that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd be delighted if $3 was the going rate, but I have to assume there's a reason nobody prices it that low, and I imagine the reasons are as you described above - equipment maintenance costs, power costs (electricity to run the machine is not free), and the clubs (quite reasonably) want to turn at least a small profit. If your guys are immune to hard math, maybe you can show them the pricing at the other clubs in the area and undercut it by $0.50 or something? At least that way, you can say you're the cheapest, but *probably* won't be too far in the hole?
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Re: Trap prices

Postby Kelor on Sun Nov 10, 2019 8:27 am

Dare to dream of $3.00 trap rounds.

Metro Gun club is $12.50.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby BigDog58 on Sun Nov 10, 2019 11:52 pm

At Oakdale GC (OGC) a round of trap is $8 for Non-Members.

Here's a Cut & Paste from the Members Page. I can't remember what they charge Members for a round. I don't shoot trap.

"$8 per round for 25 clay birds for Non-Members
$3 per round for spouses and children of current OGC Members."
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Re: Trap prices

Postby linksep on Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:41 am

My range is $4/round for leagues and they buy a semi-load of clays at a time. Club throwers are only available for leagues, BYO clays and throwers for practice.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby hard h2o on Mon Nov 11, 2019 12:08 pm

BigDog58 wrote:At Oakdale GC (OGC) a round of trap is $8 for Non-Members.

Here's a Cut & Paste from the Members Page. I can't remember what they charge Members for a round. I don't shoot trap.

"$8 per round for 25 clay birds for Non-Members
$3 per round for spouses and children of current OGC Members."

And if you are a member and trap trained you can just run it yourself. Buy the case of clay birds from the club for $12 per box of 135 birds. That makes it $2.22 or so a round depending on wasted birds.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby VMAX97 on Mon Nov 11, 2019 4:30 pm

Minneapolis Gun Club is $6 / round for trap for members and $11.25 for non-members.
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Re: Trap prices

Postby Holland&Holland on Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:33 am

Buffalo is 9.75 for nonmembers and like 7ish for members but most members buy punch cards that gets it down to about 5ish
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Re: Trap prices

Postby wasfuzz on Tue Nov 12, 2019 2:12 pm

linksep wrote:My range is $4/round for leagues and they buy a semi-load of clays at a time. Club throwers are only available for leagues, BYO clays and throwers for practice.

We also buy a semi load every spring, sell 2 pallets to a small local club and we use the rest.
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