Barnes reloading manual load data?

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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Belgiboy on Fri Oct 25, 2013 3:24 pm

Found it on the Western Powder (Ramshot/Accurate) website! They have a reloading manual on PDF file that is quite extensive.
Bullet: 40 gr Barnes Varminator
Powder: Accurate 2520
Start at 34.6 gr (3673 fps) and max load is 38.5 gr (4174 fps) with max pressure of 61800 psi.

I don't have any A2520 in my ever bloating collection of powder yet but I may have to get it now. After all this hassle, these f***ers better shoot lights out.
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Seismic Sam on Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:36 am

Never heard of A2520, but I don't keep track of powders like reloading details. Still, if it's a rarity, you could still be up the Barnes branch of Schitt's creek. Going to my Nosler #7 manual for 22-250 with Nosler 40 grain Varmageddon bullets in the 22-250 with a Lilja barrel with a 1:14 twist. the most accurate powder is TAC (never heard of that either) 33.5 - 37.5 grs. 3723 - 4181 FPS.


Varget 34.0 - 38.0 grs., 3625 - 4100 FPS
H380 37.0 - 41.0 grs., 3482-4070 FPS
RL-15 33.0 - 37.0 grs.,3431-3990 FPS
CFE 223: 38.5 - 42.5 grs, 3896 - 4325 FPS :shock:
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Sat Oct 26, 2013 11:28 am


It's about the same burn rate as BLC(2). They try to pass it off as "Camp Perry" powder but I don't know any serious competitor who uses it.
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Belgiboy on Sat Oct 26, 2013 3:34 pm


I've used TAC when I was working up a load for my .223 bolt gun. It shot pretty well actually but was trumped by H322 in the end.
And Yes, I've seen some outlandish speed ratings for that CFE223 powder too. My theory is that it's plutonium.
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Lights on Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:47 pm

Sam you need to explore the new frontier of powders sometime. Just ribbing ya. :D
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Seismic Sam on Sat Oct 26, 2013 5:08 pm


Herco for 50GI. It's Alex Zimmerman's own load.
Retunbo for 338 Ultramag - best available
VV3N37 for 9x23 Winchester - best available
296 for 50AE - who else you gonna call?
Lil' Gun for 500 Smith - only rational choice.
BL-C(2) - still the best for 308 with 168 grain bullets 50 years later
Blue Dot for 10mm - de facto standard load
whatever I got left over for 9 mm and 45 ACP - Bullseye, Unique, Herco, who gives a s**t??
357 Sig AA#9 - meets factory spec load
Power Pistol for 45 Super - who else you gonna call??
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Belgiboy on Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:27 pm

Seismic Sam wrote:Why??
BL-C(2) - still the best for 308 with 168 grain bullets 50 years later

BL-C(2)... Is that even considered a smokeless powder? :stirthepot: :stirthepot:
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Sun Oct 27, 2013 6:31 pm

Belgiboy wrote:BL-C(2)... Is that even considered a smokeless powder? :stirthepot: :stirthepot:

:rotf: I was thinking the same thing! :rotf:
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby OldmanFCSA on Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:03 pm

Sam needs to RTFM.

Realize There are Finer Manuals out there to use.

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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby BigDog58 on Sun Oct 27, 2013 10:28 pm

OldmanFCSA wrote:Sam needs to RTFM.

Realize There is Finer Manuals out there to use.


Damn, just Damn :rotf:
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Seismic Sam on Mon Oct 28, 2013 9:54 am

From Nosler Manual #7, published November 2012:


You wanna use the Barnes manual instead, where they don't even list all their own EFFEN bullets, and tell you to go to another manual for their unlisted bullets?? Be my guest. Spend money on them new trendy powders, that you probably can't find most of the time these days anyway...
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Belgiboy on Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:10 pm

Sierra lists RE15 as the powder for accuracy with their 168 MK. Hornady doesn't even mention BL-C(2) and thinks N550 is da shizzle. Different manual, different testing conditions, different powder. But we're just yanking your chain. And for your information, Fleet Farm in Lakeville had TAC and A2520 the shelf. I wouldn't have known about Fleet Farm as a source for reloading components if it wasn't for you, Sam. No BL-C(2) though but I didn't check the aisle where they store the Depends, the Clapper and the carrot cake.
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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby crbutler on Mon Oct 28, 2013 8:01 pm

Any reloading guru who does not realize that each gun is a rule in itself, and the "best" loading is just what was best for that particular barrel needs to RTFM.

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Re: Barnes reloading manual load data?

Postby Seismic Sam on Tue Oct 29, 2013 1:32 pm

Actually, if you RTFM, particularly go through and read the little history of EVERY cartridge in TFM, you find out all sorts of trivia. In particular, BL-C2 was DESIGNED from the ground up to be THE powder for the 308 when it was originally in development as the T65 cartridge to replace the 30-06 and the rifles associated with it with a smaller cartridge with the same 150 grain 30-06 ball ammo performance. Not a lot of cartridges out there have had a powder designed specifically FOR them (at least until recently), but the 308 is one of the few. So there!!!
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