I always tumble in a corn cob media I buy from John at gunstop, 2 hours and they are clean enough, 4 hours and they are shiny (I use a digital timer and walk away).
As far as what is good to reload and what gets tossed.
-If it will not slide into my shell plate because of the head being mangled - Tossed
-If it is badly crushed Over 50%) - Tossed
-If the side wall is cracked - Tossed
-If the primer is crimped - Toss or set aside and fix later
-If it is slightly bent/smashed I will try to fix gently with a pliers and if it comes out I load it.
Check out this power point if you can open it, its not a definitive guide but it gets you a good idea. These are all things I have found while sorting or reloading.
http://www.dwmetalworks.com/forums/A%20GUIDE%20TO%20BAD%20BRASS.pptxThe "U" die mentioned is the "EGW undersize die". They work well, I am not using one but many people do.