Recently I was conned into a fraudulent online forums sales of a firearm. I sent a USPS money order in the name of the seller and to the supposed seller's address. All communications were though emails and texts and my FFL also email their info to the seller. As soon as the money order was confirmed delivered, never heard for the seller again. Seller's cell phone is now disconnected and most likely prepaid. I went back to the post office where I purchase the money order, and they said there's nothing they can do about it. Best they can do was get me a copy of the cashed money order, then I can call some 1-800 number to file a claim, only if I filled out the payee and payer info on the money order, which I did. So 15 days later I got the copy of my cashed money order and called to file my claim. Another 2 weeks later, they sent me a form for me to sign saying I didn't cash the money order or am trying to defraud the USPS. In addition to that the payee (Seller) must also sign saying that they didn't cash it too. Obviously the payee can't sign it. Called the 1-800 number again, and explain why there can't be a payee signature because it was a fraudulent sale. The USPS agent told be that there has to be two signature or the claim will be denied and nothing else they can do. So I signed both spots and sent it the form back to USPS. We'll now see if I get my money back.
I've concluded that USPS money order has no safety net. Even my bank would refund me instantly and go after the person who cashed it following the money trail.
There are firearms out there like on that I want to purchase, but most of the time the seller only excepts USPS money order, and my previous experience has deterred me from sending out money orders as a form a payment.
What are your experiences from purchasing firearms via USPS money order?