by Stradawhovious on Tue Jul 17, 2012 4:52 pm
I stopped at the HomeDepot and talked with one of the very gun friendly associates, and he pointed me towards a product called "Damp Rid". Looks like it will do the trick, and was easily cheap enough to take a gamble on. I will keep you posted as to how it works. Looks like the product is mostly salt based, but the way it's used it won't come into contact with the guns at all...... so I'm not worried about that.
I've heard stories of people having issues with this rusting their guns, but to be fair they were either using it improperly by just putting the crystals in a sock or pouring them on to a shelf in the safe......or using the closet hanging type of product which has the crystals in a plastic bag which, if left unattended for too long will leak out on to the guns in the safe.
The premise is that this stuff is potassium chloride and some sort of carbonate or another that attracts water, then turns it into an oil like slurry as the crystals dissolve. The point is that after this happens you are to empty the receptacle and replace the crystals.
The one I bought is a tub, an sits at the bottom of the crate. Should work well.
At least in theory it will....
Last edited by
Stradawhovious on Tue Jul 17, 2012 5:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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