Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

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Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby futbol79 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:17 pm

I am not a female, but I want to ask the ladies about this.

My wife is taking the intro to firearms course (now) and was really excited about it. She has incurred injuries to her neck, back and shoulders that has taken all her strength. She was unable to pull the triggers on just about all of the guns that were introduced in class last night. She said she did well with the air gun, and she was happy about that.

With that in mind, I would like some feedback on anyone who may have had or has similar physical strength problems. Holding a rifle or a handgun up to sight it, results in sever pains and also a day or so of migraines the following day or so.

If you know of a handgun that has lower trigger pull (of course that is a built in safety mechanism) - or a lighter long gun - I know some guns (like a Ruger 10/22) can have a different trigger put in.

I am thinking of 22 revolvers or hand guns, or even 22 rifles, so far. At this point, she may not be able to use a gun to protect herself if she ever needed to...

I would like to be able to find a hand gun or rifle that she could use, so we could at least go the range together and have some fun.

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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby Thunder71 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:23 pm

(Not a female, but...)

First thing that came to my mind was my Kahr PM9, very smooth (but long) trigger pull and weighs about 1 pound fully loaded, aluminim Blazer ammo would be much lighter.

Just a thought? The LCP is much lighter but has a much harder trigger pull with more snap to the recoil. I haven't shot any of the little .22's so I'm not sure what their trigger pull is like. I know my Beretta Neos has a really easy trigger but then it's a pretty good sized handgun.

I guess the remaining issue would be racking the slide... again, the Neos is really easy.

Sorry I can't help more.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby westhope on Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:32 pm

If women have trouble with the weight of the trigger pull, they usually have trouble racking the slide on a semi-auto too.

I think the Beretta Tomcat (32 ACP) or Beretta 21 (22 LR) may be worth considering. The chamber can be loaded by tipping the barrel up. The hammer can be cocked and the safety then be engaged (on). She can them fire from single action when the safety is flipped "off". I've had several students that had this work for them.

I had a Beretta 21 once, still regret selling it as I have most of the guns I have sold.

Also have her look at a SW Ladysmith, their triggers are lighter. Also, have her look at a SW revolver that has had the trigger worked on by a GOOD gunsmith.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby Hammer99... on Fri Apr 15, 2011 1:44 pm

Many years back I had an accident at work. I stabbed myself in the right center palm with an x-acto knife. I completely severed the tendons that run to my strong hand index finger. I had to have surgery to regain the use of the finger and i'm technically disabled. So I have a pretty good understanding of her problem.

What Ive learned..... I can barley pull the trigger on a S&W revolver but i have very little problem with my LCR. I also have problems with Double action/single action semis'. Glock triggers are not great but easy to pull. This is a big reason I started shooting glocks. The stock trigger at around 5 lbs is not bad but i had problems at first. To remedy the situation I put 3.5 lbs connectors in all my glocks. This was a huge step in the right direction for me. Now that I've been shooting for several years I'm back to stock connectors in my carry glocks. A good 1911 trigger is probably the best but they are so different from gun to gun you have to try them all. For whatever reason a 5 lbs single stage trigger is harder to pull then a 5 lbs trigger that creeps.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby plblark on Fri Apr 15, 2011 2:03 pm

westhope wrote:If women have trouble with the weight of the trigger pull, they usually have trouble racking the slide on a semi-auto too.

I've run into only two that couldn't do it once the "Use both Shoulders instead of your hands" method was demonstrated. Both cases were specific physical disabilities.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby hammAR on Fri Apr 15, 2011 3:31 pm

futbol79 wrote:..............but I want to ask the ladies about this.

I see all of the "ladies" jumped right in............... :P
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby tman on Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:49 pm

I recommend the Taurus Millenium series (Generation 3) of semi autos.

They are striker fired, and the trigger has a long, light (read no resistance) take-up, with a single-action style break at the end. There is an external safety on the left side of the frame, similar to a 1911 safety as well.

They are available in .380-.45ACP, they're relatively inexpensive, and they have a lifetime warrantee.

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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby Lady T on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:06 pm

Thanks for the "head-up"!!
I believe her and I talked last night about this. I'll be sure and bring my little Walther P22 for her to try! (I'm guessing it's my class she's attending at Oakdale Gun Club?!)
All the ladies are starting out with .22 bolt action rifles, sitting with sandbags, so I'll take it step by step with her from there!!

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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby futbol79 on Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:15 pm

Yes Lady T it is your class. She had been so excited about it until she ran into her physical limitations. I appreciate your noticing her on this. I think that she may be able to handle a .380 (with a reasonable trigger pull) and 22's are bench guns at the range. What ever she does, she will be in pain the next day, that's a fact. An AR on a bipod or sandbags may be a possibility as she will have heavy clothing on tomorrow. A 22 hand gun would be good too. We will take it step by step. A P22 is an option I have thought of.

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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby Pezhead on Tue Apr 26, 2011 12:41 pm

Did she find something yet?
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby futbol79 on Sun May 08, 2011 8:40 pm

Not yet. She is still in recovery phase. I Just bought a Ruger 10-22 (for a Mother's Day present) that will be easy for her to shoot on a bench. It's the 22" barrel - 10/22 All Weather with a wood stalk - if it is too long for her I may have to get a 10//22 Compact for her.

Lady T has offered to bring her Walther P22 to the range - I think that might be a good choice too. I looked at a Bersa .380 , but the fixed sites are a negative.

I also saw that Cabela's has a Walther 380 w/laser - on sale in May. (from a flyer)

This will be a slow process as her physical abilities are slow to improve, and there is no rush to buy a handgun. When we find one that works for her, we will be happy, and I will update this thread.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby MTWildhack on Sun May 08, 2011 9:07 pm

I have a very nice S & W 22LR snubby revolver that does not have a heavy trigger or kick - she might be able to use that.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby futbol79 on Tue May 24, 2011 2:02 pm


You mentioned a revolver with light trigger pull S&W - what model?
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby gyrfalcon on Tue May 24, 2011 4:05 pm

Since you've all begged for my opinion I'll give it... :mrgreen:

The trigger pull weight has nothing to do with it.
If you can't pull the trigger on most of the guns that exist, you shouldn't be using a firearm. This person is probably having issues with the recoil/noise/impulse of the firearm and the trigger weight has nothing to do with it. If you can open a door the trigger pull on a firearm shouldn't be a problem.
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Re: Looking for suggestions - Easy trigger pull and light long g

Postby old guy on Tue May 24, 2011 4:25 pm

I also like the Taurus millinium triggers. Ruger 10-22 triggers can be cut by 2/3rds just by putting in a volquartsen or custom power hammer.

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