Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Wed Jul 24, 2024 12:52 pm

Jackpine Savage wrote:
crbutler wrote:We could and should do better than DJT.

He’s not conservative, smart, moral, principled, or a decent human being.

That he looks good compared to the democrats is a very sorry statement about public life in the US.

A side story. My wife use to do production stage lighting and toured with many big name musicians. Pink Floyd, the Stones, just to mention a couple. She was touring with Michael Bolton, and ended up making acquaintance with and playing softball with Marla Maples, who was part of the traveling fan club. She really liked Marla. She thinks Trump is a pig. But she's voted for him twice.

I'll say it one more time and then shut up. Trump has tackled issues that no other Republican would. China, the border, NATO, better trade agreements, etc, etc. That is why he gets my vote.

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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:22 pm

Erud wrote:Then why aren’t we? Why did an overwhelming percentage of Republican primary voters choose Donald Trump from all of the available choices?

I think it is it because the majority of Republicans are not actually pro-gun. They're probably all like, " I got my guns, screw everyone else". They value loyalty to a politician more than their own civil rights.

For some of them, they also hate the same people that Trump hates. Trump dislikes POW's, gun owners, anyone not named Trump and the family of his deceased brother, Fred Trump Jr.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:26 pm

Jackpine Savage wrote:I guess we're just talking in circles then. I acknowledge there are many Republicans that are soft on gun rights. But I do think that Trump is bringing in some of the 'new blood' that we need. I think Democrats, the National Security agencies, and the administrative state are the biggest threats to freedom right now. Establishment Republicans won't do anything about it. Right here and now I think Trump is the best candidate to take them on.

What new blood is Trump bringing in besides judges that will be soft on him when he goes to trial or grant him immunity for any official acts? Trump has brought us a gun grab. He wants to bring us gun confiscation without due process and raise the age limit to buy semi-auto firearms. I can do without that stuff.

The administrative state includes the ATF. Trump ordered the ATF to initiate his gun grab. What makes you think that Trump cares anything at all about curbing abuses by the regulatory agencies when he is directing them to screw us over?
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:34 pm

Jackpine Savage wrote:I'll say it one more time and then shut up. Trump has tackled issues that no other Republican would. China, the border, NATO, better trade agreements, etc, etc. That is why he gets my vote.

If by tackle, you mean Trump made big promises then failed to deliver, then yes, he did the bigglyest tackles in history.

The border wall was lengthened by 80 miles then never finished. He never got Mexico to pay for it as he bragged he would.
Trump is turning his back on NATO so that the Russian bear can expand its borders again. We do not need this again. Did Trump learn nothing during the cold war?
The Trump administration initiated a tariff war with China that ended with an agreement that China would by $200 billion in American goods; they didn't.

Which of Trump's trade agreements is your favorite?
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Jul 24, 2024 1:45 pm

One of the ironies of this gun forum is if that a person posts about their pro-gun stance and opposes gun grabbing politicians, they are called a Democrat. Think about that for a moment. Are the Democrats really the pro-gun crowd now? Of course not. So why is a pro-gun forum member being called a Democrat?

In every face to face conversation I have ever had with a Trump supporter since 2019, I was told that, "no one needs a machine gun", or "why do you want to own that kind of gun?". Some Trump supporters are not real Republicans in my opinion, they are just Trump supporters.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Lumpy on Wed Jul 24, 2024 5:24 pm

Ranb wrote:In every face to face conversation I have ever had with a Trump supporter since 2019, I was told that, "no one needs a machine gun", or "why do you want to own that kind of gun?".

Just as an aside, here's my standard response to that sort of question: "Mainly, I need one against anyone who would tell me that 'peasants have no business owning guns' ".
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Wed Jul 24, 2024 7:37 pm

These Trump supporters I argue with say they are pro-gun, just certain guns.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:16 am

Ranb wrote:These Trump supporters I argue with say they are pro-gun, just certain guns.

Interesting, every person I talk to with Trump Derangement Syndrome hates Trump, but has no viable alternative. You hate Trump, got it, who's your chosen candidate?

I find it interesting that after an 8 year hiatus from this forum and a few days after the RNC, you show up bad mouthing Trump. What is your intention? To demorilaze Republican supporters and insure another truly horrible administration?

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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Jackpine Savage on Thu Jul 25, 2024 7:19 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:
Ranb wrote:These Trump supporters I argue with say they are pro-gun, just certain guns.

Interesting, every person I talk to with Trump Derangement Syndrome hates Trump, but has no viable alternative. You hate Trump, got it, who's your chosen candidate?

I find it interesting that after an 8 year hiatus from this forum and a few days after the RNC, you show up bad mouthing Trump. What is your intention? To demorilaze Republican supporters and insure another truly horrible administration?

Politics is the art of the possible, usually a choice between the party of bad ideas, and the party of no ideas.

I think you're right. It's TDS.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby xd ED on Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:08 am

Jackpine Savage wrote:
Rip Van Winkle wrote:
Ranb wrote:These Trump supporters I argue with say they are pro-gun, just certain guns.

Interesting, every person I talk to with Trump Derangement Syndrome hates Trump, but has no viable alternative. You hate Trump, got it, who's your chosen candidate?

I find it interesting that after an 8 year hiatus from this forum and a few days after the RNC, you show up bad mouthing Trump. What is your intention? To demorilaze Republican supporters and insure another truly horrible administration?

Politics is the art of the possible, usually a choice between the party of bad ideas, and the party of no ideas.

I think you're right. It's TDS.

Perhaps it's from an ability that is part of the man's business successes, but I find it fascinating:
The number of people who have President Trump living rent free in their heads; 24/ 7/ 365....without them even knowing it.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:44 pm

Rip Van Winkle wrote:I find it interesting that after an 8 year hiatus from this forum and a few days after the RNC, you show up bad mouthing Trump. What is your intention? To demorilaze Republican supporters and insure another truly horrible administration?

Why is it interesting? I have been bad mouthing Trump since 2018. I have not changed. I did take a break from posting on most gun forums after I saw so many gun owners (not necessarily people here) abandon their integrity to support a gun grabber instead of sticking to their RKBA principles.

I think it is very gun owning American's duty to bad mouth Trump until the RNC gets their head out of their ass and nominates a more suitable candidate.

If posts on an obscure forum like this one can demoralize a person and change their stance on their favorite gun grabbing candidate, then they did not really have a leg to stand on. Have I demoralized you? Probably not.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Thu Jul 25, 2024 1:52 pm

How do you guys define TDS? Is it defined as an irrational reaction to Trump's actions with little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions?

How are my reactions to Trump's 2018 gun grab and push for future gun confiscation schemes and other restrictions irrational? Who has grabbed more guns than Trump? Trump's gun grab score card is as high as 520,000. This is what the Trump administration claims.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby crbutler on Thu Jul 25, 2024 3:02 pm

Well, I’ve been here a while.

Trump is not the salvation some seem to say.

I like his policies better than Harris, but I don’t trust him to follow through on them.

Vance has convinced me to go from definitely voting write in to thinking “maybe” on Trump, but Trump is the negative in my mind. Almost anyone is better than the democrat offerings, but Trump made that list by his performance… not “orange man bad.”
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby Ranb on Thu Jul 25, 2024 5:39 pm

I used to belong to a forum called I joined mainly to gather support for the silencer use bill in Washington State. I did stuff like make an educational video on silencers and mailed a dvd to every democrat in Olympia. I lobbied my district Senator and Representatives; convinced them to co-sponsor the silencer bill. I collected crime data to prove that registered silencers were not associated with any crime. I convinced CeaseFire WA (they are an anti-gun group)to take a neutral stance. I got WACOPS to support the bill and WASPC to take a neutral stance on the bill I drove people to Olympia to speak in committee to show support for the bill. The bill passed mostly due to the efforts of the Democrat (Blue dogs) sponsors. I got my local gun club to sponsor a silencer shoot that was free and open to the public, several dealers showed up with suppressed firearms and ammo for the public to use at no cost.

Sounds nice, right? But as soon as I criticized Trump for his anti-gun ways, I was scum. I was eventually banned. The forum choose Trump over the RKBA. That is the way it is with some gun owners.

Ever heard of the Leopards Eating People's Faces party? ... aces_Party Some people (including me) thought that with the GOP controlling the House and Senate and Trump in the White House, things would be good, things would change. Silencer deregulation, CCW reciprocity, and maybe, just maybe, no Hughes Amendment of the FOPA. But none of that happened. Instead we got a gun grab and and Trump pushing for gun confiscation without due process and a suggestion that the age to buy certain guns be raised from 18 to 21.

The Leopard was eating our faces.
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Re: Biden drops out, endorses Harris.

Postby IvanTheTerribleShot on Thu Jul 25, 2024 11:40 pm

In fairness, Trump's nomination of three supreme court judges helped the 2A cause in an indirect but immense way.
Besides, there were rather few pro-gun US Presidents during our lifetimes; correct me, but I think only G.W.Bush counts in recent memory (his father not quite), not even Reagan. I am too young to remember Eisenhower.
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