by Crappy on Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:04 am
connsolo wrote:How many of us can say we were fine, upstanding, law-abiding citizens at 17? I know I can't. Heck, I did worse things as a teen than the stuff Martin was caught doing. Zimmerman was the only witness to how the altercation began, and a certifiable doofus. So the state didn't have enough evidence to convict. Good for Zimmerman, but just because he has a carry permit doesn't make him a buddy or stand-up guy. One thing is certain, all this bs about Martin deserving it or the world being better off without him is low-class and reflects poorly on those who make such comments.
Martin attacked, witnesses stated this in court. Trayvon had been caught with allegedly stolen property at his school, a slim jim, and was also suspended three times for various offenses including a baggy with pot residue. The picture is drawn of a burglar, fence, drug user and or pusher who was somewhere around 6 ft tall in a neighborhood that had been burglarized late at night in the rain trespassing in peoples yards who attacked the neighborhood watch captain who had noticed someone suspicious and called the police. Zimmerman attempted observation in order to lead police to the suspect and was attacked for doing so. Trayvon attempted to grab Zimmerman's carry weapon and was shot in the ensuing struggle. Justifiable use of his weapon. Then we have an anti-gun, racists are everywhere leftists who have many political issues to push with the help of the ignorant liberal media and those who hear sound bites and get their panties in a twist. Whose side are you on? Are you against concealed carry?
"To anger a conservative, lie to him. To anger a liberal tell him the truth." Teddy Roosevelt
"Liars that claim to be conservatives are really practicing liberals." CRAPPY
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