by GoodDoctor on Tue Feb 26, 2019 2:31 pm
I had the opportunity of learning the nuances of reloading from OldmanFCSA at his shop, (more like a grand facility than a shop), last week. The entire session was a fabulous experience, able to cover the basics in both pistol and long gun cartridge reloading. Oldman is wonderful to learn from, patient, kind, and gentle in his approach. (The dogs are a hoot to have around, as well.) And he seemingly has nearly everything ever made for reloading so you can see and compare different tools available. I know others have been to see to him for their introductions to reloading and have attested to their similar grand experiences, I just want to let everyone know he is still offering his considerable knowledge and skill to teach anyone willing to travel to his shop in Osceola. Well worth the effort. Oldman is a tremendous asset to all of us interested in this sport.