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Postby BuckKlier on Sun Mar 28, 2021 8:22 pm

What are your thoughts on GOA? I don't know if I'm comfortable with the NRA any more, with what is going on with Wayne running the show.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby linksep on Sun Mar 28, 2021 9:48 pm

That's why I went GOA. They are a "NO COMPROMISE" organization unlike the NRA which was IIRC responsible for the first so-called AWB...
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Rip Van Winkle on Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:06 am

Both GOA and SAF are good organizations, but I don't think either have the political clout of the NRA.

Make sure to support MN Gun Owners Caucus also.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Erud on Mon Mar 29, 2021 5:23 am

Wayne LaPierre encouraged the BATFE to “take another look” at their opinion on bump stocks after the Las Vegas shooting. They did, and decided that bump stocks = machine guns and made them illegal. GOA has been in court over it ever since, and just last week the 6th circuit court of appeals granted a preliminary injunction against that decision. The NRA will undoubtedly take credit and ask you for money over it, but they did exactly jack squat as usual.

https://thefederalist.com/2021/03/26/fe ... itutional/
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby linksep on Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:43 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:Both GOA and SAF are good organizations, but I don't think either have the political clout of the NRA.

Make sure to support MN Gun Owners Caucus also.

But if they use that "clout" to give us AWBs and Bump-stock bans... Is death by 1,000 paper-cuts better or worse than getting your head cut off? Without the NRA, the latter. With the NRA the former. With GOA or SAF they'll shove copies of the second amendment right up democrats @$$3$ (so they can read it) and celebrate by trying to melt the barrel off an AR with a bump-stock and binary trigger and a truckload of loaded drum magazines. NO COMPROMISE. The left doesn't compromise, they only get what they want a little slower than they want it.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby xd ED on Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:46 am

Rip Van Winkle wrote:Both GOA and SAF are good organizations, but I don't think either have the political clout of the NRA.

Make sure to support MN Gun Owners Caucus also.

The NRA may (or may not) have the political clout.
But GOA and SAF seem to be the ones kicking ass and taking names in the courts.

Edited to add:

While it does not need mention - which is why it will get one:
MN Gun Owners Caucus is indeed most worthy of our time, energy, and treasure.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby BigDog58 on Mon Mar 29, 2021 8:59 am

I'm a staunch 2A Supporter and have been my entire adult life.

I support the NRA, GOA, and SAF. We need EVERY OUNCE of 2A Advocacy we can get.

If we let the left get us infighting, among ourselves, and take our eyes off of them for even a second, they'll pass something that Infringes on our Rights. Then, we have to fight just to get back from where we already were.

Let's keep our eyes on the Anti-Gunners, and make them fight uphill, the entire time. Let's keep our hill top.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Erud on Mon Mar 29, 2021 9:20 am

BigDog58 wrote:I'm a staunch 2A Supporter and have been my entire adult life.

I support the NRA, GOA, and SAF. We need EVERY OUNCE of 2A Advocacy we can get.

If we let the left get us infighting, among ourselves, and take our eyes off of them for even a second, they'll pass something that Infringes on our Rights. Then, we have to fight just to get back from where we already were.

Let's keep our eyes on the Anti-Gunners, and make them fight uphill, the entire time. Let's keep our hill top.

Lol, they pass things that infringe on our rights with the encouragement of the NRA. The NRA stopped being an actual advocate of the 2A years ago. They do nothing. Stop feeding them.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:02 am

Infighting is a great way to kill any movement.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Erud on Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:06 am

Holland&Holland wrote:Infighting is a great way to kill any movement.

Oooh, passive-aggression! So stop fighting. Just ignore the NRA and stop sending them your money to stab you in the back. They'll go away eventually.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Holland&Holland on Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:29 am

Erud wrote:
Holland&Holland wrote:Infighting is a great way to kill any movement.

Oooh, passive-aggression! So stop fighting. Just ignore the NRA and stop sending them your money to stab you in the back. They'll go away eventually.

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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby yukonjasper on Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:10 am

Is the Bumpstock novelty the litmus test for loyalty?

As I've advocated for a while, there needs to be a singular, powerfu,l focused resistance. Can we pick one and go forward? The cult of personality and lynch mob mentality hurts the overall efficacy of the movement. As we seek purity, the Left forges ahead in all their imperfect, but emotional efforts.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Erud on Mon Mar 29, 2021 11:38 am

yukonjasper wrote:Is the Bumpstock novelty the litmus test for loyalty?

Yes it is, and it's also a great recent example. The NRA is a single-issue organization, and that issue is the 2nd Amendment. Why would they support any infringements, compromises, or-re-evaluations of existing favorable 2A laws/rulings? Why would you support them doing that? It doesn't matter if it's a "novelty", this is the exact opposite of what a gun rights organization should be doing. The other 2A orgs were very much against this, but the NRA as usual supported "common-sense firearms" laws.

yukonjasper wrote:As I've advocated for a while, there needs to be a singular, powerfu,l focused resistance. Can we pick one and go forward? The cult of personality and lynch mob mentality hurts the overall efficacy of the movement.

How, exactly? How does me (and many others) choosing to send our money to organizations that actually do stuff instead of the NRA hurt the overall efficacy of the movement? How does me pointing out that the NRA is now useless in the 2A fight hurt the overall efficacy of the movement, if they actually are useless? I really do not understand this argument, but people sure love to make it.

yukonjasper wrote:As we seek purity, the Left forges ahead in all their imperfect, but emotional efforts.

Instead of seeking purity, what are you suggesting? What impact do our discussions of the NRA and other 2A organizations on online forums have on the efforts of these groups? I've been an NRA life member for a long time, but I don't keep on supporting them just because they used to do good things. They don't anymore.
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Lumpy on Mon Mar 29, 2021 12:28 pm

Erud wrote:
yukonjasper wrote:Is the Bumpstock novelty the litmus test for loyalty?

Yes it is, and it's also a great recent example. The NRA is a single-issue organization, and that issue is the 2nd Amendment. Why would they support any infringements, compromises, or-re-evaluations of existing favorable 2A laws/rulings? Why would you support them doing that? It doesn't matter if it's a "novelty", this is the exact opposite of what a gun rights organization should be doing. The other 2A orgs were very much against this, but the NRA as usual supported "common-sense firearms" laws.

The NRA's attitude seems to be one of cowardice: "We've got to compromise some to gain leverage, or else we'll see a total ban on everything but single-shot hunting rifles and breech-loading shotguns".
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Re: GOA or NRA?

Postby Uffdaphil on Mon Mar 29, 2021 2:12 pm

The MN Gun Owners Caucus is most important to me. My extended family has been here for 150 years and I would hate to be forced to move to the Dakotas. But I may have to.

SAF gets more donations from me than GOA, but I rank them about equal. I’ve been an Endowment member of the NRA for years, but hate the corruption at the top. Unfortunately we need their political clout. They get the least cash from me now.

I say support the first three for sure and at least become a minimal NRA member just to swell their numbers.
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