by yukonjasper on Tue May 17, 2022 8:24 am
Noteven remotely curious to watch the evil that a lunatic does. Sickens me that these individuals wrap themselves in a bunch of phoney rhetoric to hide the worm in their brain. Sirhan Sirhan had a dog talking to him, image what those ramblings would have looked like... pathetic coward loser. I'm sure there were plenty of people around this turd who knew he was Bat **** nuts that could have intervened and this would not have happened.
If you know some who is Bat **** nuts, say something and get them help.....just do it.
Deo Adjuvante Non Timendum - (with the help of God there is nothing to be afraid of)
Spectamur Agendo - (We are proven by our actions)
Non Ducor, Duco - (I am not led, I lead)
NRA Life Member