How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby LarryP on Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:57 pm

What's the alternative??? Live with it and be glad you can even own a gun.

johnlewjohn wrote:
Who was it again that let their permit expire, when they had a 90 day renewal window?

Yes yes, point taken, and I blame no one else for the lapse, but not the issue here...

I am of the opinion that, as an upstanding citizen of this Great Country and the State of MN that I should not have to prove anything in order to excercise my right to carry.

You pay $75 $85 $100 to have the state grant you a permit to excercise your constitutional right.
Oh, and by the way, you need to take a class paying some total self appointed "expert" stranger that you are qualified to even fire a gun before we let you pay us to tell you its ok for you carry a gun.
The States that are enacting legislation and moving away from the permit system to allow its citizens to carry are the ones that have it right.

This post is veering off-course. I was really more or less wondering if there was a pattern of stalling or some sort of passive defacto waiting periods for processing permits specifically in Hennepin County.

I dont understand why people bend over backwards to defend this process.
Its just plain wrong.

Enough said.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby tenmilmag on Wed Mar 05, 2014 3:54 pm

Less than ten days. Anoka County. Carry on.
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Re: Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby MWAG on Wed Mar 05, 2014 5:59 pm

bocag18 wrote:My best advice is to go to the sheriff's office and inquire about the state of your application. Be nice and patient when talking to the secretaries and be calm but firm if you get to talk to anyone higher up. Remember that you aren't the only one who's complained to them about this.

This. Only after the 30 days have passed

For all you know, it could have already been issued but lost in a snowbank by an incompetent mail person.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby Rodentman on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:18 pm

My permit perspires 5-2-14. I already took the renewal class. I plan on going to Hastings to file the renewal in the third week of March. I figure that way there will be no gap in my permit dates. Hope that plan works. It should.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby johnlewjohn on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:39 pm

Last edited by johnlewjohn on Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby johnlewjohn on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:41 pm

Last edited by johnlewjohn on Sat Mar 08, 2014 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby xd ED on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:59 pm

johnlewjohn wrote:Rodent you should be good to go :)

Here's what I am saying.

I get on a rant and guess what arrives in the mail today?
My permit.

I submitted it on the 10th.
Guess what date is on the permit?
The 11th!!!

30 days my A$$!!!

So, you going to shred the card and rely on your rights to carry the day?

You know?:
and be prepared to go to court over it when you get arrested for carrying without your state issued card.
… as is your 'rights'
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby chopper on Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:58 pm

In chisago county the first renewal took 10 days my second renewal took awhile due to problems at 28days I called and asked what the hold up was the gal said the first part of the month they had problems with the machine that makes them but it was sent out, I have had problems with the postal lady at my post office because I dont have home delivery it did not have my box number on it so she sent it back, the lady from the sheriffs office called me the next day and said she just recieved it back and said she can mail it out again or pick it up I went and picked it up.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby LarryP on Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:11 am

Not many of us have the money to fight it, and we don't want to go to jail. In this political climate, You're better off fighting to keep what we have instead of what we don't have

johnlewjohn wrote:
What's the alternative??? Live with it and be glad you can even own a gun.

Wow, that's the problem.
Accept the status quo.

The alternative is to start carrying and be prepared to go to court over it when you get arrested for carrying without your state issued card...this is my right, not a privilege to be granted by the state.
Its similar to what's happening in CT.
You need to people to stand up for what's right not accept the status quo.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby floydster on Thu Mar 06, 2014 10:57 am

Sherburne county, 3 days:)
Sheriff Joel Brott is pro gun:)
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby bstrawse on Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:06 pm

Test cases are for other people.

I recommend not carrying without a permit without a lot of money for a defense - and a very VERY solid plan on how this is going to move through the courts.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby Thunderjohn on Thu Mar 06, 2014 12:17 pm

If I was in charge of issuing permits I'd send them out on day 30 because as soon as I sent some out on day 10
I'd be getting calls from irate citizens wanting to know why their permit app has already taken 15 days while
their neighbor got his on day 11.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby grimbeaver on Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:03 pm

It's probably just when the stack of done ones gets large enough to be annoying they walk it over and run it through the postage meter. Until then you sit in the pile.
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How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby jshuberg on Thu Mar 06, 2014 1:19 pm

It's more likely that they process them assembly line style in small batches. Grab a stack, take them through the process, and send them out. Sometimes they'll take longer because an applicant lived in another state and additional records requests have to come in.

It doesn't surprise me that large counties have varying turn around times, given the number and varying backgrounds of the applicants that need to be processed. Either that or it's a conspiracy. Against you specifically. Ran by Bigfoot.

A few individuals getting their permit on day 30 doesn't mean that Hennepin County is sitting on them. It means that it took longer than normal to process. Mine came back, including time in the mail in 15 days. Rumors that they wait until the last minute to send them in the mail for some nefarious reason is just plain bull$hit.
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Re: How long is your Carry permit renewal taking?

Postby RAGGED on Fri Mar 07, 2014 7:04 am

Seismic Sam wrote:In your case, in Hennepin County, which DOES suck, you might just as well stay bent over expect to wait 32 days because they won't mail it until the 30th day at 4:59 PM.

Bingo, has been the case with mine every time
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