by Seismic Sam on Wed Mar 05, 2014 8:56 am
In your case, in Hennepin County, which DOES suck, and where if you call up and ask them about AR's they will tell you that assault rifles are illegal in their county, you might just was well stay bent over expect to wait 32 days because they won't mail it until the 30th day at 4:59 PM.
I have had varied experiences in Washington County, and Sheriff Bill Hutton is a stand-up guy who endorses civilian carry. He replaced my old Sheriff Jim "sub recoso" Frank permit in three days flat because he didn't want any documents out of his office with that boolshyte written on them. At the same time, my renewal took 28 days, so maybe the department was busy. I know it wasn't because they just sat on it. There are some counties out there who regularly do it in shorter times, but I can't remember which ones.