What's the MGT Advisory Board?

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What's the MGT Advisory Board?

Postby David on Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:25 am

The Advisory Board is a group of users who regularly and meaningfully contribute to the discussions elsewhere on the message board. They have a history of level-headedness and thoughtfulness, and can communicate without rancor or animosity. It is not a clique, and the forum is not a place to slam others.

There are no rules about what can or can't be discussed, but the purpose of the forum is to create a place to have discussions about the management of the forum and issues of significance to the community, and to do so out of public scrutiny. Spirited discussion is what the forum is for, and respectful disagreement is encouraged.

The Advisory Board differs from the "Strategy" group in that membership in Strategy only requires verification that a user is a real person and is known to others in the group. The discussions in Strategy comprise a much broader range of issues, and also has nothing to do with running the site. The members of the Advisory Board will have an opportunity to provide input to make the site the best experience for the community it can be.

The members of the group may nominate those they feel would make good additions. The group leaders will discuss these privately and ask nominees if they would like to participate. We want to start small and grow as necessary.

We expect that the purpose and conduct of the group will change over time, so nothing in here is rigid. Please feel free to make whatever suggestions you like!

A note on privacy:

Nothing you post on the Internet is truly private, so even in this forum, remain aware that your comments can be made public. However, it should be understood that the discussions in this room are meant to be private discussions concerned with community issues and the management of this site. Do not share the contents of this forum with those who are not Advisory Board members.
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