Prior to making a firearm, the individual must submit ATF Form 1 (5320.1), Application to Make and Register a Firearm, to the Bureau of ATF, NFA Branch, and receive approval. Form must be submitted in duplicate.
The applicant is to place, on each copy of the form, a 2-inch by 2-inch photograph of the applicant taken within the past year (proofs, group photographs or photocopies are unacceptable). The applicant’s address must be a street address, not a post office box. If there is no street address, specific directions to the residence must be included.
If State or local law requires a permit or license to purchase, possess, or receive NFA firearms, a copy of the applicant’s permit or license must accompany the application. A check or money order for $200 shall be made payable to ATF by the applicant. All signatures on both copies must be in ink.
Fingerprints also must be submitted on FBI Form FD-258, in duplicate. Fingerprints must be taken by a person qualified to do so, and must be clear and classifiable. If wear or damage to the fingertips do not allow clear prints, and if the prints are taken by a law enforcement official, a statement on his or her official letterhead giving the reason why good prints are unobtainable should accompany the fingerprints.
Forward the original and a duplicate of the completed application and appropriate tax payment to the Bureau of ATF, National Firearms Act Branch, P.O. Box 530298, Atlanta, GA 30353-0298.
If the application is approved, the original of the form with the cancelled stamp affixed showing approval will be returned to the applicant. If the application is denied, the tax will be refunded. Applications to make a firearm will not be approved if Federal, State, or local law prohibits possession of the firearm.
[26 U.S.C. 5822, 27 CFR 479.61-65]
ATF Form 1
ATF Form 4