Sorry to hear that. One of my greatest joys in life is just watching my hairy friend get "birdy". The day that stops will probably bring me to my knees.
Just checking in to see if the "OLD GOATS" are still around and still able to remember their names. Gonna keep an eye on EVENTS and just pop in to one of them some day. Hope all is well !! Sam
Just purchased one of these today and took it out for a test drive. LOVE IT !!!! Feels good in the hand-very lightweight-very accurate for such a short barreled snubby and you can't beat the price-on sale $309.00. I just might buy another.
I've been taking whitetail for years now with a Raging Bull in .41 cal. with buffalo bore hardcast lead bullets. None of them have gone more than 20 yards and most just quiver and tip over. Distances have ranged from 10 yds. to 150 yds. I have found the ballistics on the .41 much better than the .44...
Well raise my rent! I'm slower than the Continental Drift. Here's a video of how to deal with a bull barrel and a two piece guide rod. But I bet my spring is stiffer than the one shown here: We all think ours is stiffer than the next guys. Not me!!!! I'm g...